Unmask what others are feeling.

For those seeking instant group therapy sessions & anonymous connections guided by Generative AI.


What is WolfEIQ.?

WolfEIQ. is a B2C and B2B startup that aims to integrate emotional intelligence into the digital world. Our aim is to create a mental health tech app to communicate emotions while chatting online through colour, integrating generative AI.

What’s the WolfEIQ. Messenger app for?

The WolfEIQ. Messenger app that is currently available for iOS & Android is for data collection purposes only. It has both a diary and a messaging function, but it is intended to be part of the procedure to collect data to train an ML model. It is GDPR compliant and no data is collected without your explicit consent. Currently, we are on the data collection journey. Meanwhile, feel free to say hi to Mary!

A WordPress.com Website.